Chastain Mission – Important Update

Greetings, beloved friends!

We are writing this evening to share a very important announcement with you all: 

After 17 years of partnership, we have decided to step away from our relationship with TMS Global. 

As we have transitioned back into the USA these past 4 years, we have been privileged to continue our work in marginalized migrant and refugee communities. We have maintained and supported the refugee organizations and networks that were developed in Europe, and have seen our work expand in the U.S. in the areas of refugee resettlement and advocacy. Additionally, we have taken steps towards more engagement within the deeper, more systemic issues that we see driving the refugee crisis globally – including exploitive consumer practices, the climate crisis, and education. 

To that end, we are transitioning our work in this season to our newly founded non-profit, which we are developing alongside other aid workers within refugee and migrant communities. 

This new non-profit organization is called Proximity. 

Throughout our journey working with at-risk people groups, we have found that a willingness to sit with people in their suffering is often key toward more effective service. Proximity to the marginalized encourages further research.  It encourages relationship and community. Proximity also gives us the vantage point to see how we may be contributing to the systems that are marginalizing and unjust.

Proximity‘s mission is to support and advocate for migrant and refugee families and individuals, through the provision of humanitarian aid, advocacy and education in the community, and the development of long-term resources for sustainable, successful community integration.

Proximity will not be entirely reliant on donations, as we are also developing a “marketplace” where we will offer products made by sustainable, non-slave-dependent, refugee-supporting sources, with all proceeds going directly back to Proximity and its mission.

Finally – TMS Global has confirmed with us this week that they will no longer receive donations on our behalf as of August 1, 2023. After that date, donations designated to our TMS Global account may be inadvertently redirected into the TMS Global general fund account. 

If you would like to discontinue your regular donation through TMS Global, you may either log into your TMS account, or you may call their Finance Team directly at 800-478-8963, and let them know.

If you would like to support the work of Proximity in this new season, you may do so at this link.

Please note that the online platform for receiving donations, called “Zeffy,” does not charge Proximity any fees, but you will be given the option to add a “tip” to support their work at the end of the form if you would like!

As we expressed to our Senior Director last week when we told her of our decision, we are so grateful for the relationship we’ve had with the people at TMS Global these past 17 years, and will continue to keep them in our prayers in the coming season. We also want to express our deep gratitude for each person who has faithfully supported our family and this work through these years, with your prayers, visits, friendship, and financial support. 

Please do reach out to us if you have any further questions about our transition from TMS Global – or if you simply want more details about Proximity.  We are in the process of building our website now.  Look for it soon at  

We hold most closely to the unfailing grace of God, trusting that as we move into new and different paths, He goes with us and before us. To the glory of His name in all things. 

Peace and grace today in Him,

Miki and Charlie

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